Planing To Migrate To Sync, Some Questions In Mind


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Hi, first of all sorry for my probably bad english, will try to do my best.


Have been using some cloud solutions for years. I´m sing Owncloud right now in my home server, but im very tired of it´s install, configuration, errors....

I´m planing to move to Sync, all seems very very nice so far but have some big concerns before changing, hope someone can help me with them.


1.- Security. This is a very important thing, and as far as I have read the security is very good but...i´d want a "human" confirmation. I think Synk uses encription, secure conections and its "totally" secure (well, all of us know nothing is 100% secure in the web). Could i use it (for example) use it to share with all my computers and family photos of my holidays or will I be in risk of putting all my family holiday photos on the Internet? (again, I know nothing is secure. For example my grandma could have a troyan, or my father could be connected to an insecure wifi...I speak of Sync for itself)


2.- HDD "protection". Other of my most terrifying concerns. I´m using a lot of 4 TB HDD (i work with hd videos) and right now using Owncloud I know they are "secure": they spin only when I need access to them and they are not working all the time. Now I´m planning to add them to my Bitttorent Sync shares but...someone in my situation could tell me how they act with Bitttorent Sync? Don´t know if this program will make them work a lot, if they will start working only when I need access to the files...I use them 2-3 times a week only, no more, and only need read permission. I know with Owncloud they don´t work at all when they are not used about Bitttorrent Sync?


3.- Sync 2.0. I need a solution this week, and Sync 1.4 sounds nice. I move a lot and my NAS is usually far from me. Would be 2.0 "just" an update (ie: sudo apt-get uupdate-upgrade: easy) or will it be a totally independant program I must install and configure? I know probably even the staff still don´t know those things at this point, but some thoughs would be nice. I think/hope it will be a very good upgrade to the prior install but this is a very important thing I must consider before migrating to Sync


Really thank you in advance for your time and again sorry if my grammar isn´t very good, I don´t use english very much lately

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1.- Security. This is a very important thing, and as far as I have read the security is very good but...i´d want a "human" confirmation. I think Synk uses encription, secure conections and its "totally" secure (well, all of us know nothing is 100% secure in the web). Could i use it (for example) use it to share with all my computers and family photos of my holidays or will I be in risk of putting all my family holiday photos on the Internet? (again, I know nothing is secure. For example my grandma could have a troyan, or my father could be connected to an insecure wifi...I speak of Sync for itself)


There are plenty of articles and discussion on the security of Sync. The most recent article may be found here and please also search the forums for related discussions.

Also, sync is designed to allow you to sync files between your devices. As there is no cloud-storage component, your files are not "put on the internet" anywhere!


2.- HDD "protection". Other of my most terrifying concerns. I´m using a lot of 4 TB HDD (i work with hd videos) and right now using Owncloud I know they are "secure": they spin only when I need access to them and they are not working all the time. Now I´m planning to add them to my Bitttorent Sync shares but...someone in my situation could tell me how they act with Bitttorent Sync? Don´t know if this program will make them work a lot, if they will start working only when I need access to the files...I use them 2-3 times a week only, no more, and only need read permission. I know with Owncloud they don´t work at all when they are not used about Bitttorrent Sync?

Are you referring to scheduling? ...or asking how often Sync accesses your files?

If it's the latter, Sync will only transfer files when it detects changes in the folders it's monitoring. It will, however, rescan (index) the files it's monitoring upon application startup, and then at a regular recurring interval (by default, this is every 10 minutes, but it can be configured)

If, however, you're referring to scheduling i.e. only syncing at certain times of the day, then Sync doesn't currently natively support this, but do consider adding your voice/vote to this thread in the Feature Request forum.

In the meantime, the "workaround" would be to "Pause" sync, and only un-pause it when you actually want to Sync. Or, alternatively, if you're familiar with setting up Scheduled Tasks on your OS, you could setup a scheduled task to run Sync at certain times of the day, and kill it at other times.


3.- Sync 2.0. I need a solution this week, and Sync 1.4 sounds nice. I move a lot and my NAS is usually far from me. Would be 2.0 "just" an update (ie: sudo apt-get uupdate-upgrade: easy) or will it be a totally independant program I must install and configure? I know probably even the staff still don´t know those things at this point, but some thoughs would be nice. I think/hope it will be a very good upgrade to the prior install but this is a very important thing I must consider before migrating to Sync


You can find information that's currently publicly available on Sync 2.0 here and here.

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