Can Bt Sync Do This?


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I have a folder called Temporary Depository on Computer A, and within it there are various subfolders (this folder structure must be maintained). 

I have a folder called Archive Server on Computer B, with exactly the same folder structure. 


I want to place files into the various subfolders of Temporary Depository on Computer A so that they sync to the corresponding subfolders in Archive Server on Computer B. 

I don't want Temporary Depository on Computer A to download or sync any files from Archive Server on Computer B. I just want this transfer to be 1-way.

As a consequence, Computer A will never see/read the other files that are in Server Archive on Computer B. In other words, I want Computer B to be able to restrict the files in Server Archive that will sync to Computer A, but still be able to receive files from Computer A. 


Can BT Sync do all this at the moment? Is it possible to have partial 2-way write access? 




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As I understand your Computer B needs only to get files and changes from A and never send anything back - even if something extra appears in backup folder.


Sync has very similar sync mode. You need to add "Temporary Depository" as read&write folder, then share read-only key to computer B to the same folder. In this case B will receive all the files from A, but will never send them back if they change.

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