Undeletable Folder?


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The only major drawback to this  app is that I cannot  find a way to have a master storage that can  receive all of my files but will  not delete when removed from another device. Drives me bananas.


Here is why...



I have 4 devices.

     My main daily driver computer

     My homes server

     1 Tablet

     1 Phone


Main server has the "home" or "hub" folder. It has Read/Write because if i create a file on any device and put it in the syncing folder. I want it to distribute throughout my cloud. The problem is if i move a song file for instance to  another folder on  say my tablet. It will delete all copies on all devices.  When all I wanted to do was move it to the right folder on my phone. then go to my tablet  and place it its folder then each computer and so forth. If it gets removed from any device it is non recoverably deleted.


i would like either 1 ) the ability to right  click and choose "delete file locally" or "delete file on all devices" OR 2 ) the ability to have one  master storage location that can receive all files that have been put on the BTSync cloud and have Read only on itself  so nothing  can be  pulled from it once added. Take everything and  give nothing I suppose.


Currently the only way i can do this is to completely shut down BTSync on  each device before i can alter any file in any way so that  it doesnt trash or remove all other copies on  my cloud.


Maybe i am the only one with this concern. but it is hands down what is keeping me from trusting BTSync with my most sensitive files.


I sure hope this  makes sense.


EDIT: I suppose the point of this is... Is this intended? Before i put  it  in requests.

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Right. The key feature of Dropbox, Drive or any other cloud storage is the ability to "host" files on their server and take it to any device i like. But.. the lack of the ability to autosync the actual files on my computer/portable device kinda blows and is a crucial ability of BTSync. would  be super nice to have both options.

Edited by Iminent
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I am sorry. I do not think I understand.


If what you are saying is that I need to make another synced folder that is read only and sort of backwards connect it to the same folder as my original synced folder with read/write on it. Essentially making it a read/write in one direction and read only in another direction. Well. I'm afraid you just melted my brain and I might have to find something that allows me to be dumber than this. Kidding... sorta.

While I can see this sort of working. It is a complex workaround to what I would assume should/would be a pretty basic function of a cloud service competing with Drive & Dropbox type services.


@RomanZ:  I did try to check out the lync you gave in your post but it takes me to the Sync 2.0 download & installation page. Further i also did  a forum search for "on-demand folders" and as you can see in the link below. It found nothing.





Am I understanding your workaround for 1.4 correctly?

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Let me elaborate. Your main concern is that file deletion on your mobile device deletes the file on all other peers. I advise to not to share read-write key to your mobile device, but share a read-only key. If you do so, the changes you do on mobile device won't propagate to other peers. So you can simply delete a file you previously synced - and it will stay on other peers. This way is going to work for mobile platforms only.


Another option us upgrading your Sync to 2.0. It has a kind of new synchronization mode "on-demand" which is also known as "selective" sync. It allows to exactly do what you asked for - "Delete file only on local device" or "Delete file everywhere". This option is going to work for both mobile and desktop platforms.

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