I Translated The Bittorrent Sync To Hungarian


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Dear developers,

When I saw the BitTorrent Sync, I got really interested in it. I have started to test the Sync 2.0 and I think it's going to be a very cool service. I had just one problem with it. The user interface has got too many languages, but it doesn't have Hungarian. A month ago I started to translate it into Hungarian and now it is almost finished. It's about 90%.

This is my second translating project. In the first project I had some mistakes, but learned from my mistakes. I checked the final translations two and a half or maybe three time.

I linked the locale files called the hu.js end hu.json for the Sync 2.0.51. If a new version is released I'm trying to translate it.

You can download the files with Sync 2.0: https://link.getsync.com/#f=locales&sz=52E3&t=2&s=ZQPA2FZVCO5UQTYLWYHDYEOK2VSRCSPRLKH7OKO2IR6SQQZ2GA5A&i=CL7TDRGRJSVWOMV7UDSGIHBDDWB7MIPHC&v=2.0

or from Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B3T_-uDZYifbfkt1YWQtak54Wnl6NzhoY2w0Q29Ha3hxUGN0aTd1MzNlSF9rRXhHaXR3N0U&usp=sharing

Best regards,
Kristóf Kófiás [kriman]

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