[Solved] How To Enable The Login Function In Windows 7?


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Hi everyone,



I am new in this furum. I recently started to use SYNC for my desktop windows 7 and Mac Air. When I installed SYNC 1.4 in my windows 7, I could not enable the login function. It just showed GENERAL and ADVANCED in the Perferences window but no LOGIN. Can anyone solve this problem for me? Thank you.

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"LOGIN" is only available if running Sync in WebUI mode, instead of "windowed" mode (which is the default on Win 7 if you have IE9 or later installed).


You'll need to start BTSync.exe with a /WEBUI command switch - you'll then be able to access Sync in your browser (i.e., and you'll have the "LOGIN" tag available on the Preferences window.

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I have another question.  When I restarted my WINDOWS 7, it still ran in windowed mode. How can I make it run in WEBUI mode when I restart my WINDOWS 7? I have IE 11 installed in my WINDOWS 7. Thank you.


Modify the shortcut which starts Sync when you login (which you'll either find in your Start Menu -> Programs -> Startup, or in the Registry (HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Run)) to include the /WEBUI switch

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