Sync Two Folders On The Same Device From Same Source


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Newbie here.

I wanted to know if it was possible to Sync two folders on the same device from one source. I want to keep some emails in sync but also keep separate backup on the same machine on a different drive, just in case the drive fails.


Can't mirror the disk/drive under Windows, as I just want one folder and I don't want to install yet another sync software/service/start up as it will invariably involve even more monitoring. 


Is that possible?

Edited by Jake2
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You will need to run btsync twice on that computer.

One which is sharing the original e-mail folder, and one that is "receiving" the sync to save it on the other drive.

I don't really know how to do it in windows though.


As you probably want to local "sync" to be one way only, I would do that with robocopy, which is a windows internal tool to copy/mirror a folder to another. It would be like "robocopy <SOURCE> <DESTINATION> /MIR". This can be started as a regular scheduled job or you can use a combination of /MON:n and /MOT:n where n is the amount of changed files / elapsed time for a resync and have it in your windows startup.

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