Multiple Problems With Sync


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I have two Windows 8.1 desktops and a Raspberry Pi based backup server. I have a number of folders synced between the three machines.


At the moment I am looking at one folder which has 46.7GB of data, 13,708 files in 1,310 folders on one desktop and on the Pi. It has 43.6 GB in 12,489 files and 1,174 folders on the other desktop. Sync is saying that all machines are in sync..


I had a separate problem with another share containing around 25GB of data which was originally on one of the WIndows machines. When I synced it to the Pi and the other Windows machine, half the data vanished and I had to restore it from backup. It didn't go into Archive on any of the machines, it just disappeared.


I know that yopu are going to ask for logs, but this product isn't in beta and I've decided to look at other options or stick with Dropbox for the time being rather than raise a ticket, because these issues and the others reported on this forum mean I just couldn't trust btsync right now, even if you were able to fix my specific issue. In particular I find it very concerning that one of my machines can be so far out of sync without anything being flagged up in the UI or the logs. It should be easy for sync to tell that things aren't in sync right now, and a problem like that needs to be identified and flagged to the user, regardless of underlying cause.


I think you need to take a deep look at QA and testing, in particular automated testing with high volumes of data and change, and focus on getting absolutely rock solid reliability ahead of any other priority.


I also think you need to rework the documentation. There should be a comprehensive user manual. The current 'Help Centre' does not provide adequate detail and is hard to access: there should be a structured document that brings everything together. The Unix client in particular is inadequately documented. For example there is no information on how to set advanced settings that are not accessible from the UI. The client comes with some example configuration files, but there is no information on how to use them and there is a bizarre warning in the active configuration file that you 'should not even think about' making changes as they will be overwritten. So why provide the examples? And what if someone really needs to change a setting?


I hope that you will take this in the spirit that it is intended, and I will keep an eye on btsync in the hope that you can realise its potential.



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