Sync From Windows To Osx - 1.4 Works - 2.0 Fails


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Heya - enthusiastic 1.4 user but something weird is happening in 2.0.


When I sync a folder from 2.0 on windows to 2.0 on windows I get "request for approval" and can accept it on the host machine. Works fine.


When I sync a folder from windows 8 on sync 2.0 to OSX (current) the link loads on OSX, I'm told approval is being requested, but no matching alert appears on the windows host.


It's worth noting that the 1.4 sync process of copying links has always worked both ways.


Is this a known issue? Should I do something differently? Can I force a fallback to the 1.4 folder functionality that works?


[EDIT] I've managed to sync from the OSX towards the windows and it creates it as a classic folder. From there I can link it to my windows machines as a 1.4 folder. Still not working from windows to OSX.





Edited by drbob00
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If I understand correctly, your Mac is running 1.4, which cannot handle the new 2.0-type shares.


On the Windows machine, hold the Shift key while clicking on the share creation icon. This will create a 1.4-type share, which the Mac should then be able to handle.

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