What Is The Function Of Relay And Tracker


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i'm using btsync for two purposes


1) to sync two Windows computers on the same router

2) to sync two Windows computers behind two separate routers in different cities


What are the functions of the "Relay" and "Tracker" components and under what configurations can I disable these components? Are either/both required for the initial connection/configuration and can I safely disable either/both once the sync has been configured/connected?


I understand that file data is encrypted/decrypted at each end, but are file names also encrypted?

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Please before you start a thread on the forums, try the search function as this question has been answered before.


Also try to use the Help Center at http://help.getsync.com


See this article for relay server: http://help.getsync.com/customer/portal/articles/1984019


For the tracker see: http://help.getsync.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1902087-what-data-is-collected-seen-by-bittorrent-inc-when-i-use-sync-

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I DID try search and did not find the answers I was looking for. None of the links you provided gave any answers with any meat. I am a retired computer professional and was looking for a technical answer. I still have no idea when relay or tracker are required. For example, two computers in different cities behind different routers. I set up a folder on one computer then email the read/write key to the second computer where it is manually applied to create the other end of the sync. How is the computer to computer connection established? Is the relay or tracker required to do this? Can the connection be established/maintained without relay/tracker? The answers I saw were tantamount to "a carburetor is necessary to keep the engine running". A little more detail please.

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Happy new year!


BTSync is a peer to peer file synchronization network. If the peers are not on the same network, the peers cannot rely on multi-cast to find each other. So, instead, all peers register themselves with the tracker server. This registration consists of a folder identifier that is derived from the secret (but cannot be used to compute the secret) and the peer's IP address and port.


In some cases, it's not possible for two peers to connect to each other directly (e.g., both are behind a NATing firewall without port forwarding). Both peers set up a connection to a relay server and transfer data through that relay server. Since all data is encrypted in transit, the relay server cannot actually see the actual data.


You can avoid the use of tracker servers and relay servers in the configuration:




If the peers are not on the same network (or the network does not allow multicast), you should use pre-defined hosts.

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