macOS Sierra: Resilio icon flashes when changing workspaces


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macOS Sierra 10.12.2

Latest Resilio (can't find version number anywhere..)


When I change workspaces by doing a three-finger swipe to the left or right, the Resilio icon is absent from the task bar on the new workspace as it slides in. Once the new workspace has settled in location, the Resilio icon flashes into existence. The slot for the icon remains empty, so other icons aren't moving around. The net effect is that every time I switch workspaces, the Resilio icon appears to blink off and on again. This is quite distracting.


Is this a known bug? Is anyone else on macOS having this issue?

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  • 3 months later...

I fired up Resilio recently and noticed that it is still doing the same thing on 2.4.4. After using it for a few days for a current project, I've realized that, cosmetic though it may be, this is the reason I don't leave Resilio running 24/7, and thus only really use it when I don't have any other alternatives. I switch workspaces frequently, and that constant little flash from the Resilio icon is incredibly distracting.

Other apps I have installed that don't have this issue:

  • Amphetamine
  • Spectacle
  • Dropbox
  • Tunnelblick
  • RDM
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