Sync multiple folders to different machines

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Hi, I am a new user of Resilio Sync and have this situation that I would like to do:

Root Folder

- subfolder 1
- subfolder 2
- subfolder 3

I would like to sync subfolder1 & 2 to machine 1 and subfolder 3 to machine 2
How can I do that? I know there is a general ignorelist folder ---- but is there and IgnoreList based on machine? I.e. i can sync Root Folder to machine 1 and 2, but machine1 will ignore sunfolder3, while machine 2 will ignore subfolder 1 & 2  ?


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  • Gigi6288 changed the title to Sync multiple folders to different machines

May not be quite what you want but I think you could toggle 'selective sync'. (Vertical three dots at the end of the file folder line in the Mac Sync interface). One would still see sub3 on Machine 2 but none of the files would be synced. Hope this helps.

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Now i just ignore the subfolders in a share; and add them as another share :)

It is a possible setup (with so called "nested shares"), but it has its own nuances one should be aware of:

If every subfolder is shared separately and synced to different machines, why would one need sharing their parent folder? It sounds superfluous in your initial task. I would recommend simply sharing the subfolders.

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15 hours ago, Alex_W said:

If every subfolder is shared separately and synced to different machines, why would one need sharing their parent folder? It sounds superfluous in your initial task. I would recommend simply sharing the subfolders.

Yes -- if there are hundreds of subfolders, then we thought sharing the parent is better and using filters in IgnoreList to share subfolders to the right peers instead of having tons of shared subfolders. But since the ignorelist cant do this; then will explore the 'selective sync feature'; or maybe reorganize the parent folders and subfolders to simply share them separately.

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