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Posts posted by MoonKid

  1. > It shows the time when the last sync was complete.


    Nice to know.


    > Indeed, WebUI was redesigned to be more convenient and resembling GUI for Mac and Windows.


    But why does the WebUI need to resembling the GUIs? I can see no reason for this. WebUI- and GUI-Users are totaly different types. A WebUI-user is more the admin-type. He need all necessary information on the first view without clicking around.


    Now I have to click 12 times (open & close) to know the status of each of my 6 shares. This is to much.

  2. > We do read the official forums :).


    Thank you very much. :)


    > There is an information about the last sync time in new WebUI.


    But what is exactly behind that information. What is the meaning of "last sync time"?

    Please excuse my penetrant question but with data you couldn't be less paranoid. :D

    Is it the start or the end of the last sync?


    I often had the experience that a sync started and then stoped/freezed with the last KBs. I could see this in the old WebUI. Then I just restarted both btsync-clients and then the sync was done to the end without missing KBs.

    With the current WebUI I am scared about that. I will never see the case of missing KBs.


    And I can not see why this information was removed from the main page of the webui. There is a design-reason behind it I hope?

  3. Yes, you understand right. I miss a feauter that was there in the past. And I don't want to workaround it with an extra gui application catching resources (no matter how less) from my system.


    I just want the old feauter back.


    And I know that you are not a member of the official BTSync-Dev-Team. But this is the official BTSync forum. So doesn't they read here? How can I contact them?

  4. I am not sure what happend. I am using btsync-user on an Ubuntu 13.10. I didn't synced the last 14 days because of a journey.

    But I updated my ubuntu. Somewhere while this updates btsync-user was deleted. I don't know when and why.

    I discoverd it today while I tried to sync my pc with the netbook. btsync wasn't running and even installed on the netbook. So I did a "apt-get install btsync-user" again. Then they synced.

    1. What happend the last 14 weeks and why the desinallation of such an importatend and sensitive package?

    2. The status display on the web-ui is lost. I can not see the status of a folder if it is currently while syncing or if it is synced or even connected. I can I get the status of my sync-folders now?

  5. 1.

    There should be a message while installing btsync-gui over apt-get that it is alpha. I am in a lot of trouble now because of that. Stepping back to btsync-user doesn't work. The WebUI is still unavailable and I am not able to find a config file for that. Everything changed. But now I am using btsync-gui on one of my btsyc-running systems and try it.


    Personaly I prefere the WebUI. I has all I need and save resources of my system. Each KB RAM is important on an old netbook. ;) But there should be a GUI, too. It is because of the windows-like users to make the use and access to such a great piece of software easier. There should be bouth packages supported!


    Since I installed btsync-user (Kubuntu 13.10) I have a message for one of my shares.

    ".mozilla/firefox/rk1algw0.default/_firefox_wuala_sync" can not be opend. How can I fix that? Where is the config-file for that share, so that I can but a "/home/user/" in front of the path. I can not modify the path with WebUI and with GUI.

  6. Your workarounds are horrible. I want to sync symlinks.

    And in my usecase it is like "nils" explained. There are a lot of config-stuff from different applications I need to sync. There is now way for your workarounds and now way for do the symlinks the other way around.

    A symlink is just a file like any other. There is no problem with it. Why does btsync exclude them?

  7. I have problems to install/run it on Linux.

    The problem is easy to describe with my bash output.

    Linux pc-kubuntu 3.8.0-27-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 9 00:19:35 UTC 2013 i686 athlon i686 GNU/Linux
    Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l

    user@pc-kubuntu:/usr/local/bin/btsync$ ll
    insgesamt 2844
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 501 502 2904620 Jul 23 14:12 btsync*
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 501 502 155 Mai 29 17:09 LICENSE.TXT

    user@pc-kubuntu:/usr/local/bin/btsync$ ./btsync
    Can't open pid file /usr/local/bin/btsync/.sync// Keine Berechtigung

    user@pc-kubuntu:/usr/local/bin/btsync$ sudo ./btsync
    BitTorrent Sync forked to background. pid = 4814

    Simple translation. The listing shows what was in the tar.gz-file. Is that realy all?

    There are not rights ("Keine Berechtigung") to open a pid-file.

    Doing it as sudo it is put to background.


    Should I run it as user or root/sudo?


    I see no window. Nothing appeares on the screen.