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Posts posted by Moe

  1. ISSUE #1

    There are a couple issues being addressed here....  One is that "IF I see the file,  its complete."  I have had a couple instances where it was done syncing,  and just hasnt reindexed yet,  and had not completed each file download. Meaning I dont take my laptop to the office thinking its done syncing only to find out there is a file there,  its just a MYFILENAME.!ut file and not yet complete functional file.    I want to be able to,  "IF I see the file there, its complete"


    If you get into the office and your file has not been fully synced it would just be starting to sync as you connect to the internet again. I don't see the point in having a "cache" or more like a "incomplete" folder.

    Are you experiencing these issues a lot that BitTorrent Sync GUI says it's done syncing and the actual file is not being present in said share? Maybe a debug log sent to the devs could help fix an issue if there is one.


    The rest sounds very like specific requests. The only way I can think of that this would make it in BitTorrent Sync is when running with an API key in a config file. Normal user GUI mode - I am not so sure about that.

  2. The ".bts" links are NOT analogous to the traditional "selective sync" option that many people are asking for. It is a great feature for sure, but it is very different in behaviour.


    Yes I agree. Since it allows you to selectively sync files it is not like I have a root folder that contains folder x y z and three peers.

    Peer 1 can have access to folder x and the rest can have access to y and z but not x.

    That'd be selective for me. Like I mentioned in a couple posts already ( & )

  3. Open up the Terminal Application by searching it in Spotlight and then enter this command

    sudo kill -9 `ps aux | grep BitTorrent | awk '{print $2}'`

    This will exit all zombie processes of BitTorrent Sync.


    You can verify this by first running this

    ps aux | grep BitTorrent

    Which gives you something like

    moe           7093   4.5  2.3  3799924  94968   ??  R    10:57PM   0:03.19 /Applications/BitTorrent Sync

    If you enter the kill command above and run ps aux | grep BitTorrent command again you only will see the grep process

    moe           7119   0.0  0.0  2432772    536 s000  S+   10:59PM   0:00.00 grep BitTorrent

    + you will see something like

    kill: <high number>: No such process

    This is ok and you don't have to worry about.


    Please give feedback if it worked for you.

  4. It's also kinda confusing that when you delete a synced file, it is replaced with a .bts file, instead of actually deleting the file. To delete a file, you have to delete it twice.


    I haven't tested, but I can imagine that this might confuse some apps where you delete a file from within the app, the app deletes it from the file system, but the file is still shared to all other devices and a .bts file is still on my share.


    The .bts file is just a placeholder for the actual file. If you delete the actual file a placeholder with the exact same name + .bts as the extention is placed and is ~ 100 - 200kb in file size.

    Or if you mean something else, can you maybe try to explain it a bit more?


    The "on demand" mode (with .bts links) is a great option, but not always ideal.


    For example, I don't always want to even SEE all the files in a share. If someone has shared a folder with me and I'm only interested in one subdirectory, all those .bts files are just added and unnecessary noise.


    A traditional "selective sync" option (like Dropbox) would be an excellent option in addition to "on demand". It should behave just like "always/full/auto" sync mode, but with some exclusions. Anything that is excluded (either specifically or by glob pattern or regex pattern) simply wouldn't show up in the local share. But everything that does show up behaves just like any other file.


  5. As I understood, using the API requires an installed and configured version of the full BTSync with UI. It would be nice to send commands to a portable CLI, like its possible with Linux, instead of calling local http requests and feeling unsafe about whats happening.

    On OS X you just call the binary with your arguments and then you have a running btsync instance.

    Same goes for Linux.

    For Windows I bet it is exactly the same - you don't have to "install" it.

  6. You can find information on that in the Developer subforums here and here


    And to answer your question: no and yes.

    No you can't add a share to a BitTorrent Sync Sync instance running in GUI mode via the command line.


    There is a way to add shares to a BitTorrent Sync instance but that means you have to run BitTorrent Sync in non gui mode and have all the shares in a configuration file typed out or add a share via a link pointing to your local running BitTorrent Sync instance.


    You can find out about these ways in the documentation or in the Developer forums.

  7. No there is no limit in file size.

    No there is no limit in how many folders you have or subfolders in them.

    No there is no limit on how many files you have in a folder.


    No 2.0 won't limit you on how many files you will be able to sync.


    Yes everything will be synced in a share not just the root of the share but also every subfolder.


    The only limitation is your hard drive space on both clients to sync everything you want.


    You can find more about the BitTorrent Sync 2.0 features on the forums here