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Everything posted by apatters

  1. I installed Sync for Android today. I already have it installed on my Ubuntu laptop. 1. Created an empty folder on my laptop and used the web UI to set it up as a shared folder. 2. Added a folder in the Android Sync app and obtained the QR code from the desktop. 3. Enabled Automatic Sync for the folder on Android Result: - Laptop Web UI displays that the Android device is connected. Android device's Sync app reports one device connected. - Adding a file in the laptop's folder results in immediate sync to Android. - Pre-existing files in the Android folder do not sync to the laptop. - Files added in other ways to the Android folder do not sync to the laptop. I was expecting that this would behave like two PCs which have Sync, and all the files on the Android device would shoot up to the laptop immediately. Am I doing something wrong? Or is this a bug?
  2. Hi Vadimt, Thanks for the response! I did so last week - the Zendesk ticket is #3344.
  3. Forgot to add -- 1) No firewall is configured on the the droplet (Client A) and iptables -L returns no rules that would filter or block traffic. 2) Digitalocean says they don't do any port blocking or other traffic filtering on their side. Thanks!
  4. Hi, Sync has been working great for me until I hit a problem today and I need some help troubleshooting. Problem: Client A doesn't sync with Client B or C. Scenario: Client A - Digitalocean droplet running 1.1.70 BTSync linux client Client B - Laptop running 1.1.48 BTSync linux client Client C - Laptop running 1.1.48 BTSync windows client The laptops are on different ISPs. Clients B and C sync successfully. My sync.conf on Client A: http://pastebin.com/W6vbfEEf Clients B and C have no sync.conf, the settings in the web ui are pretty much the defaults, I enabled DHT on B. I checked and made sure the secret key matches on all 3 systems. Have tried running btsync on Client A as both root and my normal user, no difference. Output of sync.log from Client A (first few lines of test hashes omitted): [20130908 03:18:39.138] Loading config file version 1.1.70 [20130908 03:18:40.173] Got 2 relay ips [20130908 03:18:40.173] ip [20130908 03:18:40.173] ip [20130908 03:18:51.159] NAT-PMP: Unable to map port with NAT-PMP. [20130908 03:19:40.477] Got 2 relay ips [20130908 03:19:40.478] ip [20130908 03:19:40.478] ip [20130908 03:20:40.495] Got 2 relay ips [20130908 03:20:40.495] ip [20130908 03:20:40.495] ip Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!