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Posts posted by charos

  1. Here is my log screenshot : 1MVyuKJ.jpg


    In a Backupsy vps of 500GB, syncing a 70GB , logs ate about 380GB to the point of running without free space. Deleting logs and in a few days back to full utilization of hdd space.
    Temporary fix is to schedule a cron job to delete log files every 5 min.

    Surely there's a bug here.

    Regarding Backupsy and ram:

    # free -mt
                 total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:           495        451         44          0         25        343
    -/+ buffers/cache:         81        414
    Swap:           87         18         69
    Total:         583        469        114



    The full almost memory is due to caching on RAM instead of the hdd. That's perfectly fine because running htop which shows the actual RAM usage without caching , is about 90MB including the usage due to Seafile server.