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Everything posted by vogon

  1. Unfortunately it doesn't seem so, I have two kind of messages including filenames: SyncFileEntry: Failed to write attributes for file <path> - 38 ReadFile error: <path>.!sync:753664:32768:32768:3 for several files which are actually present in all clients, regardless the error message. These messages are limited to the first sync attempt, then the log doesn't contain any reference to any one among the trouble files. I checked the file sizes to understand whether there is a correlation between the error and the missing amount. The "ReadFile" amounts to 10KB, while the "SyncFileEntry" files to around 4GB. There's no relation with the reported missing 60MB. This amount is consistent among different OSX clients that sync without problems (they both reports that the rpi misses that amount). Bottom line, the sync.log doesn't help to pinpoint the troubled files and among 13GB of images is like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack Any suggestion? BTW I'm looking at the standard log, not the debug one.
  2. How can I get the list of files which are not synced? The "Devices" tab shows the amount of data which should be pushed to a node but I cannot find a way of pinning down the missing files. This is useful in case of stuck syncs. BTSync should know which files are missing, since it reports the total amount. BTW It would be important to notify a sync problem via the menubar icon (e.g. OSX). Thanks for help --sergio
  3. Same problem here, OSX -> raspbian (read only) writing on an fuse-exfat filesystem. Mount user match, so that's not a problem. The error I get is something like: SyncFileEntry: Failed to write attributes for file <path> - 38 The "- 38" appears on all the errors. The sync seems to be stuck (about 60MB to be pushed to the rasbian not completing) and I assume that it might be related. Same folder OSX -> OSX syncs without problems --sergio