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Posts posted by BTS

  1. Hi, so - since the "root folder" ~/Sync is obviously added to sync and the iOS Camera Roll just provides read-only secret, there is no way to add that folder under ~/Sync ? Technical issues aside, that seems like a pretty huge usability issue. If someone gives me read-only access to stuff I would also want that under ~/Sync/Shares/Someone vs. ~/AllOverThePlace ~/MoreStuff ~/EvenMoreStuff ~/IamFreakingOutAnotherOne.


    Is there no way to neatly have everything under one root folder which is also synced?

    I'd also expect that if I have read-only folders under ~/Sync and sync ~/Sync with e.g. my NAS device that the read-only folders beneath are also covered and I don't have to setup every single folder manually with my NAS/every other computer/device.

  2. Bittorrent Sync is a really interesting concept - hoping it will be wildly successful (and that encrypted nodes provides will provide the same convenience we have with non tin-foil had proof services these days).


    Migrating my stuff to Bittorrent Sync I am however running into an issue.

    I have a ~/Sync folder, which is the replacement for what was ~/Dropbox before. In that folder I have shares with different people e.g. ~/Sync/Shares/John Doe/ - that's all working fine and dandy.


    Now I am trying to set up ~/Sync/Camera Uploads/ with the secret that the iOS app gave me for the Camera-Roll sync. But strangely I am getting the error message "You don't have enough permissions to share part of a read-only folder. Please choose another folder".


    That error message doesn't make any sense to me - I have no whatsoever read-only shares. If I choose a target folder outside of ~/Sync/ it works fine, but that's not what I want. Migrating from ~/Dropbox I want everything neatly organized under ~/Sync/


    Any feedback/pointers are very appreciated. :)


    B.t.w. (a bit unrelated) is Bittorrent (as a company) planning to offer "encrypted nodes" (for offline syncing) as a commercial service, or is the stance that third party companies should offer these services? Recently got our developer api key - seriously interested in hacking a nice service (mainly because we also need an offsite backup - and it would make sense to build in such a way that it's useful for others, too), but depending on where Bittorrent as a company is going this may make less sense. :)

