zero credibility

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  1. Hi everyone , After having installed btsync on android and having problems getting my folders to sync , looking at the preferences I've found this as the settings : >[{"type":0,"path":"\/storage\/emulated\/0\/Download\/ \/storage\/emulated\/legacy\/Android\/data\/org.xbmc.xbmc\/files\/.xbmc\/userdata\/addon_data\/","secret":"AJDH738JHG766HGSJD766KSHDHFHS776","name":"\/storage\/emulated\/0\/Download\/ \/storage\/emulated\/legacy\/Android\/data\/org.xbmc.xbmc\/files\/.xbmc\/userdata\/addon_data\/"}]</string> The files I want to sync are deep within storage / emulated / 0 / Android, but the app keeps wanting to point to storage / emulated / 0 / Downloads Even tho I've entered the full path it's adding the Downloads path to the beginning of it. Is this a the android operating system forcing the location ? Or is there a way to get btsync to be forced to look in the correct place.? I've tried symlinking but it fails , I've also got root permissions so is there something I can do with that which might help ? . I've read about a way of installing btsync libraries and running the binary but was hoping there would be a better solution with changing the path. Any help or insight on what's going here would be really appreciated , Many thanks. Z
  2. I am using btsync on the RPI as well if that would help ? Unfortunately the program I'm using needs files in the right places otherwise the separate folder would be great. Thanks for the link and reply.
  3. Is it possible to sync just one file from a folder without using the sync ignore ? Apologies if this has been answered already , I did a search and could only find single file sharing. Thanks