zero credibility

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Posts posted by zero credibility

  1. Hi everyone ,

    After having installed btsync on android and having problems getting my folders to sync , looking at the preferences I've found this as the settings :

    >[{"type":0,"path":"\/storage\/emulated\/0\/Download\/ \/storage\/emulated\/legacy\/Android\/data\/org.xbmc.xbmc\/files\/.xbmc\/userdata\/addon_data\/","secret":"AJDH738JHG766HGSJD766KSHDHFHS776","name":"\/storage\/emulated\/0\/Download\/ \/storage\/emulated\/legacy\/Android\/data\/org.xbmc.xbmc\/files\/.xbmc\/userdata\/addon_data\/"}]</string>

    The files I want to sync are deep within storage / emulated / 0 / Android,

    but the app keeps wanting to point to storage / emulated / 0 / Downloads

    Even tho I've entered the full path it's adding the Downloads path to the beginning of it.

    Is this a the android operating system forcing the location ? Or is there a way to get btsync to be forced to look in the correct place.?

    I've tried symlinking but it fails , I've also got root permissions so is there something I can do with that which might help ? . I've read about a way of installing btsync libraries and running the binary but was hoping there would be a better solution with changing the path.

    Any help or insight on what's going here would be really appreciated ,

    Many thanks.
