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  1. I am trying to sync another folder from a Vista machine. The linux machine is asking for the xdg again... and the UI on https://link.getsync.com/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx doesn't show the URL for the btsync web client. That would be nice if it was included as btsync IS running on my machine but I have forgotten the URL! Took me awhile to dig that one of the web... http://localhost:8888/gui/ And after posting the URL from the shared folder I still see Just a moment while we start your request...Please make sure Sync 1.4 is running to receive this folder. And nothing happens... the UI/UX is so opaque I can't chase down what is working/not working on the linux side at all.
  2. I am trying to sync another folder from a Vista machine. The linux machine is asking for the xdg again... and the UI on https://link.getsync.com/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx doesn't show the URL for the btsync web client. That would be nice if it was included as btsync IS running on my machine but I have forgotten the URL! Took me awhile to dig that one of the web... http://localhost:8888/gui/
  3. I read the docs http://sync-help.bittorrent.com/customer/portal/articles/1574723-step-by-step-guide-to-syncing They don't address the linux UI very well IMHO. Especially clarificaton on what to do with the xdg-open Here's a little video showing what it looks like for me: ON the windows side there is a message saying that the sender (me) needs to approve sharing of the folder that I shared(strange) and I _have_ received that message/request. I hope in the near future the UI folks will put more effort in showing the user that btsync is DOING something when working and clearly show when it is not.... thanks