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  1. Hi there guys, I've downloaded BitTorrent Sync and tried to set it up, though I've noticed one thing that is almost impossible to fix, but it would be great if we could. I'm an system engineer and while setting up BitTorrent Sync, I've noticed that my phone just doesn't sync with my laptop. They both have the same folder/recognize the folder name but no content in it. After thinking for a while, something crossed my mind. Enterprise grade companies (like us) have firewalls and high-level protection etc. therefore, is there absolutely no solution to make it work without using UPnP port mapping etc. You have to keep in mind that companies only allow a certain amount of rules in their firewalls, just like we do. Creating a new rule in the firewall is not something impossible, yes. But it would be great if there is a solution for this. Kind Regards, LSecy