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Everything posted by oleost

  1. Hi again Helen. Yes something like that I was seeking, tried searching but guessing I used the wrong words. Anyway, thank again for quick and accurate help. Hoping to see this feature in the future.
  2. Hi. I have an server (Server 1) which I upload some files that I want synched to a folder on my other server (Server 2) that contains addiotonal files other than the one from Server 1. So on Server 1 I have setup Read only access, and then sync those files to Server 2. So thats fine, that prevents files going from Server 2 and onto Server 1. The issue is due to space limition I also need to delete files on Server 1, but I dont want theses files to deleted on Server 2. Any suggestion?
  3. Thank you, just what I was looking for. After fixing up some permissions for the resilio user I got it working now.
  4. Hi. So I managed to get resilio sync installed following this guide: https://help.getsync.com/hc/en-us/articles/206178924-Installing-Sync-package-on-Linux But when I come to the point where Im going to use it I'm having some issue. Trying to follow this: https://help.getsync.com/hc/en-us/articles/204762449-Guide-to-Linux But the issue is that since its headless server I cannot access the WEB ui locally and need to set the " ./rslsync --webui.listen " command to allow access from outside that computer. Then the issue starts, I'm running resilio sync as rslsync user, seems to have some issue how to type in this command to get it running in that user instead of trying to configure it for root or my personal user? Any ideas?