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  1. Hello all, I have had resilio running in the tray for some months to sync some folders between a PC, a notebook and a NAS. Now, after some weeks of thinking that everything runs smoothly in the background, I opened the resilio window on the notebook again and it asked me to create an identity! Somehow it seems to have lost all settings and was no longer syncing with the other two devices for some weeks already. How could that have happened? How can resilio so quietly just stop working and loose all settings? There were no error messages or notifications. Where does resilio usually save the settings/setup? Could I maybe somehow reactivate those settings and have the syncing continue? If I can't find/restore the settings, should I be able to just link the folders again and have the sync continue without coyping all files again? Anything I need to watch for doing this? My trust in resilio is a bit shaken. How can I prevent this from happening again? Or how can I detect this when it does? Does anyone have an idea for a failsave method that would alert me when syncing is no longer working? Any help is much appreciated - Thanks! Dirk
  2. OK, so I have an update on this. The files that make up the difference between the 260 GB size of the actual folder and the 132 GB displyed in the clients are all in the .sync folder - on both systems. But I guess I don't understand why that happened. I understand that the .sync folder contains files that were deleted on another system or replaced/versioned files. But I have done neither. So why were the files moved to this folder and what would I need to do next time to prevent this. Here is the sequence of events again: two systems with 120 GB each in sync copied additional files worth 140 GB to one system for a total of 260 GB replication started until the second system was up to 132 GB I paused replication copied the additional files also to the second system using an external drive, so in theory both folders would now have the same files. restarted replication And now, for a reason that I don't understand, all files that I had manually copied on to the second system were moved to the .sync folder - on both systems! What should I have done differently to avoid this? Thanks, Dirk
  3. Hello dear forum ... I have a synced folder on my PC and my Qnap NAS. Size was about 120 GB, 30.000 files. No problem so far. Then I copied additional files into the folder on the PC, bringing it up to a total of 48.000 files and 260 GB. As expected Sync jumped into action and started to copy files over the network to the synced folder on the NAS. But then I thought this is going to take a long time this way. I paused Sync, and copied all the additional files also directly to the NAS via an external drive. Then I restarted Sync, expecting it to figure out that all files are in both folders now. Indeed, after some indexing and minimal send/receive action, the activity settled down and the two clients seemed happy. Except that the foldersize on both sides is shown as only 132 GB in the clients instead of the 260 GB that both folders really have. So I am worried now. What can I do to correct this and/or verify that all content is being monitored and will be kept in sync. Since then a number of "indexing" phases went by and I also copied some additional files on one side that were correctly synced to the other. But the folder size remains 132 GB in both client views instead of 260 GB. What could be wrong? Thanks, Dirk
  4. Hello Helen, I have the same problem. But I am not sure what to do now. Can these files just be deleted? What is the next step here? Thanks, Dirk
  5. Same problem here ... is there any update? @RomanZ, so what does that mean for us? Is that a problem that will be fixed by you? Risilio is supposed to not have a problem with high number of files and folders, right? I am using Resilio to sync a lightroom catalog and picture files. Total number of files is around 65.000 and so far Resilio was the one dependable solution for this. Thanks, Dirk
  6. Hello dear forum ... I only use resilio in my local LAN. I have a Windows 10 desktop, a Windows 10 Laptop and a Qnap NAS. Sometimes everthing works fine, all three peers see each other and sync happily along. But sometimes, especially when the deskop is in sleep, the laptop and the NAS don't seem to see each other and nothing happens. They both only show "0 of 1" under peers and only list the desktop ("offline"). Then, when I wake up the desktop, both the laptop and the NAS see the desktop and start syncing. And so, indirectly via the desktop, the files sync between the laptop and the NAS, just not directly. What could be possibly wrong here? How come the laptop and NAS both see the desktop but not each other? I run the lastest version of resilio. Thanks for any help. Regards, Dirk