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Everything posted by Vaderfran

  1. I'd like to bring this up again to see if there are any ways to deal with this. I teach at a college and about a month ago they updated their networks to control traffic better... blocking all peer sharing ports, including Resilio. I have talked to them and verified that it is indeed being blocked (for sure outbound, likely inbound as well) and they are unwilling to make an exception even for my specific computer on the network. Clearly problematic for my workflow as I have been using Sync for years now. I am a fairly advanced user, but not at the level of really digging into network settings and all of that kind of stuff so am hoping there is a way I can still connect my work computers. I can physically wire both the desktop and the laptop to the network, but the recommendations for LAN connections still don't seem to help. I am hoping worst case that I can connect the desktop to the laptop and them a few times per week take the laptop home to update those computers. Any recommendations?