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Posts posted by Alex_W

  1. On 7/21/2023 at 6:04 PM, Jonathan Wight said:

    I swear at some point it was possible to run Resilio Sync on macOS without the app in the Dock and just have the app accessible via the MenuBar.

    Has this feature been removed (or was it my imagination?). I don't need the app in my dock 95% of the time (and can. access via System, Menu -> Open).

    That's right, the correct behavior is to hide the icon from Dock when the application window is closed while the app stays in tray. It was like that, and will be restored in the upcoming release. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  2. The problem has been caused by changes WD made in the update 5.22.113 of the My Cloud OS 5, that interfere with correct Sync installation or start (if installed earlier).

    The fixed packages for different NAS models can now be found in the Sync Knowledge Base article on Western Digital NASes.

    The package can be installed manually via the Applications dashboard of the NAS. The uninstalling of already installed Sync is not necessary.

  3. The problem has been caused by changes WD made in the update 5.22.113 of the My Cloud OS 5, that interfere with correct Sync installation or start (if installed earlier).

    The fixed packages for different NAS models can now be found in the Sync Knowledge Base article on Western Digital NASes.

    The package can be installed manually via the Applications dashboard of the NAS. The uninstalling of already installed Sync is not necessary.

  4. On 3/29/2022 at 2:36 AM, somethingunchosen said:

    Let's say I didn't "backup the 3 keys" when I successfully set up my encrypted shares 3 years ago, and wanted to fix this error.  Is there a way to find the keys on device A, which is still working?   

    Will the "Encrypted Key" shown in Device A's Sync today be the same one I used to set up the original encrypted share?

    If it is the very same original share, the key should work.

    On 5/24/2021 at 9:14 PM, eltopo said:

    You can't decrypt an encrypted shared folder.
    From the howto page:

       Encrypted node does not have decryption mechanism, so it cannot decrypt files.

    When you create a "Encrypted Folder" share on device A, you get 3 keys (R/W, Read-only, Encrypted), the folder on device A is not encrypted and has the original data.
    Now when you share the "Encrypted" key to device E, device E has encrypted data after fully synchronized. There's no way to decrypt this folder.

    The encrypted data can be decrypted on the encrypted node as well. The necessary conditions and details can be found in the mentioned howto on encrypted folders (see the use of the command line interface).

  5. Sync listening port is grayed out because it is defined in the configuration file sync.conf (and thus overrides the UI setting). To enable manual editing via UI you need to connect to the NAS via SSH and remove the setting  

    "listening_port": 28889

    from "sync.conf" file (respect the JSON-syntax, especially the comma in the previous line, that might be unnecessary after editing).

    The file is located in the Sync Storage folder, which is placed differently in DSM6 and DSM7, see here:

    After Sync restarts, changing the port manually should be available, but you must be sure the chosen port is free.

    The failsafe and recommended way to change the listening port is via the SSH by editing of the configuration files and checking the port, as described in this article: