How do you add a tracker?

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At present, you can't specify your own tracker(s) for BitTorrent Sync.

You can, however, add a list of your own pre-defined "hosts" which BitTorrent Sync should connect to when syncing (this setting may be found in BitTorrent Sync via Shared Folders -> Show Folder Preferences -> General on Windows)

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How can hosts be connected through internet without a central tracker and without having to specify WAN ip's ?

They can't without specifying the WAN IPs! - you would need to specify these in the pre-defined hosts list, and then ensure that at the WAN IP end that the port you're using for BitTorrent Sync is open/forwarded to the relevant device behind that IP.

The alternative would be to run a VPN client, such as Hamachi or NeoRouter, etc to allow all your devices in various locations to all appear as essentially on the same "LAN"

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