synced folder inside synced folder


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i have a large folder, which is backupped by two devices with read access.

one subfolder should be synced with the same machines with read/write access, as i want to use it like a dropbox.

how to set this up is clear, but my question is whether bittorrent sync will handle this correctly, as in not trying to write a new file two times, as it is in two sync folders



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how to set this up is clear...

...please do share, because if my understanding of what you're after is correct, this isn't possible!

My understanding is that you wish to have a parent folder sync'd across multiple devices (with only one having a RW secret and the others all having RO secrets), but then within this folder, a sub folder that has it's own RW secret across all devices?

...this isn't possible!

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why shouldnt it be possible?

generate secrets for /data/readdir/, and start syncing with the read-only secret.

then generate secrets for /data/readdir/writedir/, and add this folder on all machines with the full access secret.

expected behaviour:

peer writes to readdir: nothing happens.

peer writes to readdir/writedir: the change gets synced.

main machine writes anywhere: the change gets synced.

can bittorrent sync handle this?

edit: does it change anything if i said /data/readdir/ from my main machine gets synced to other devices as usual, but /data/readdir/writedir gets synced to another location on those other devices, not into a subfolder of the original sync dir?

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Please search the forum for "nested" shares.

...the bottom line is that you can't separately sync a sub folder if you're already syncing its parent

Not possible with BTSync. Prioritization of inherited permissions in a hierarchy tree is no issue at all for other software and a variety of uses. Sure, takes a different kind of hierarchical processing but it's no definite theoretical impossibility - only a design choice in BTSync.

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@greatMarko: i thought about how to search for this, but "nested" didn't cross my mind, thanks.

@joebush: don't ask why i didn't try it out with some test dir...

@Shot2: thats what i thought, i didn't see any reason why it shouldn't work.

thanks guys!

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I would like to +1 for this feature. (Is there somewhere I can do this properly?)

I run as a partner record label and have my folder set out as follows (in simple terms):

Label > Design > logos...

> Production > Artists...

> Accounts

I want the label folder synced to the other CEO, and the design folder synced to the design artist, production to producers, accounts to accounts...

This was one of the first things I tested and a bit sad it doesn't work. :(

Cheers Pato.

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I also was sad this does not work. My situation is having install files in a "parent" to be pushed to our servers as "global stuff", and then for specific servers to have folder under it which would only be synced with those servers.

But anyway I got around it by moving the files around into separate folders. Something like;




In the more specific folders I left a READONLY text file that tells the server admin to include files from the other folder.

blahh.. but whatever.

Was wondering if maybe symlinks (or Windows shortcuts) could help.

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