Syncing iTunes and iPhoto folders


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Good day to you all,

Firstly, thanks for the brilliant piece of software

Secondly, my iTunes holder is being synced now between three computers (2 coming up) and NAS. I am looking at the folder size on NAS, BTsync on MAC and its very different to the real folder size on disk. the difference is around 30+GB. Anyone knows why?

Thirdly, how is syncing iTunes and iPhoto overall?

Thank you




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Sync cannot sync files whilst they are in use/locked by other applications. This would likely explain why you have differing file counts on your various devices.

Try shutting down iTunes et al on your devices, and then Sync should then be able to transfer any files it's not been able to so far!

Also, check the contents of your .SyncIgnore files to ensure that 1) They are identical for the folder you're syncing with on each of your devices, 2) Files/folders that you want/expect to be synced haven't been excluded from doing so by the exclusion rules already present in .SyncIgnore

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Does that mean that iTunes folder will not be synced properly? I understand that the locked files are either ignored by the process or being created as copy with different name, like Dropbox does. To be honest, I really wanted to make sure that BTSync can successfully sync constantly changing set of files like iTunes or iPhoto. Thank you

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Update: iTunes is shut down, closed completely. Not a single file is used or locked. Still 400GB instead of 430GB. Maybe iTunes has some kind of cache or hidden files folder? Or does the actual disk space shown in MacOS differs to the folder content? I am not sure about the latter, but who knows.

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I had iTunes Media in sync on two devices (depending on your directory structure you should exclude everything containing iTunes metadata). Then I added another device and some files and let it alone some days.... I got many files stuck in sync limbo and some moved to SyncArchive....

I did a manual check with ChronoSync (my goal was to replace ChronoSync with something "auto-magic") and have now turned off btsync for everything except the unimportant stuff. :(

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