No peers found without tracker


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I installed btsync server on my webserver, disabled relay, tracker, dht and all the other settings on that page. I configured it to use a fixed port of 22222 and tested with nmap from a remote client that this port is open.

Next I installed btsync desktop on my notebook, disabled relay, tracker and the other settings. The only thing I activated was my webserver as a predefined host, with port 22222. But the client cannot find the server until I activate tracker on both sides.

What am I doing wrong?

I don't want to use a tracker because I think this is a security issue. Everyone who has the secrets for my folders can access them. And at least the tracker has all my secrets. How can I trust the tracker?

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And at least the tracker has all my secrets. How can I trust the tracker?

As stated very often, the tracker has the SHA2(secret):IP:port, not the secret itself. So an attacker would need to brute-force a SHA2-hash in order to get the real secret. That's actually more unlikely than most username/password combos (which most of the time store also the password as hash, hopefully).

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