R/W Sync, but prevent folder/tree deletion.


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Is there a way, or can a feature be added, to allow a full r/w sync, but prevent the folder tree itself from being deleted?

I have files/folders that I'm frequently dropping to a BTSync, to be synced with another client, who then cuts/pasts the tree elsewhere. However, on my end, I'm usually dropping individual files into folders, and the client having deleted the tree by his cut/paste means I have to recreate the folder/tree each time on my end.

I also run into trouble with a couple of apps that generate data, that goes between the two machines, as the client machine removed the tree, but the app that generates the data errors-out, because the destination folder is suddenly missing when it next runs, because the client has moved the folder/data where it's needed on his end.

I want the client to be able to delete the files, so as to not clutter up my HD, but if there was an option to keep the tree itself, while allowing the files to be removed, that would be helpful in many situations, I'm sure.

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