Unsharing/syncing folders with collaborators with remote deletion

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I've started using BTSync to share folders with my team. One of my team members is leaving me shortly and I've started wondering whether it is possible to effectively unshare and remove the synced folders on slave machines? Is this possible?

What happens if I change the secret key? Does that remove the folders synced on the slave machines or do they keep copies by default?

I'm looking for a solution analogous to the Dropbox option of unsharing folders and wiping data held remotely.

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The way BTsync works at the moment, it does not support a feature relating to a remote wipe of a single node. A workaround would be to create a copy of the shared folder on your end, delete all the content on your end, wait until it propagates to all other nodes. Then change the key to disallow access from the node you just wiped, copy the key to the wanted nodes and move the copy back. This all hinges on the other side to have .SyncArchive deactivated, otherwise the data would still be there. This seems like a lot of hassle to achieve your goal, maybe asking the member directly to delete the folder would be more straightforward.

A changed secret just means, that the nodes without the new key will have their owns hare, separate from yours, even if it is just one. Copies are kept by default and are not deleted when the key is changed on other nodes.

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