Creating a folder through the WebUI


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Because this is a lacking feature I came up with a script solution which monitors the log file. Whenever the statement "addsyncfolder" occurs, the script tests the existence of this folder, if it does not it will create it. Basically you can only create folders this way, but you cannot delete them. But for testing purposes it is enough and it is somewhat conivient. It is not a nice solution but works quite well for now.

#!/bin/bash        tail -f /home/Sync/.sync/sync.log| while read line; do                echo $line |grep addsyncfolder > /dev/null 2>&1                if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then                        NEWDIR=`echo $line|grep -o addsyncfolder\&name.*secret `;                        NEWDIR=`echo $NEWDIR|sed -e 's/addsyncfolder\&name=//g'| sed -e 's/%2F/\//g'|sed -e 's/\&secret//g'`;                        if [[ ! -e /home/Sync/$NEWDIR ]] ; then                                mkdir /home/Sync/$NEWDIR                        fi                fi        done

Maybe it can help you too.

So long

Doc Green

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