A couple of questions I haven't found answers to and an issue.


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I'm testing BT Sync in a mixed Macbook / Windows desktop environment as a possible replacement for Dropbox:


- After folders are shared and sync is in progress: How do you tell which folders are sync'ing as read-only / read-write after the fact? (both from the subscriber side and the publisher side)


- Why does the count of bytes to be transferred (total) for a given folder differ from what the OS reports is in that folder?  Is this because of files being skipped?  If so, how do I determine which files / folders are being skipped/not transferred? Scrolling thru the list of all transferred in the GUI is clearly not workable, so I'm assuming that is NOT the answer, right?


- My devices show this status (for several days now).  The top device is my machine (macbook pro), the bottom is a peer's machine (windows 7).  Does this mean that the transfer is hung for some reason?  If so, how do I determine what is wrong?



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- After folders are shared and sync is in progress: How do you tell which folders are sync'ing as read-only / read-write after the fact? (both from the subscriber side and the publisher side)


There is no "visual" indication of whether a folder is read-only or read-write - the best way to determine this is to look at the folder's Secret - if it starts with an "R" it's a read-only folder.


Why does the count of bytes to be transferred (total) for a given folder differ from what the OS reports is in that folder?

The OS will report the size of all files in a directory. Sync will only count the total size of files to be transferred (i.e. Sync won't take into account the size of .SyncIgnore, and .SyncID, etc, or any files you've set to exclude from syncing via .SyncIgnore)


- My devices show this status (for several days now). The top device is my machine (macbook pro), the bottom is a peer's machine (windows 7). Does this mean that the transfer is hung for some reason? If so, how do I determine what is wrong?

The 73.6MB number you're seeing is the amount of data remaining to be sent to other devices from that folder. If this number remains constant and doesn't go down, it likely indicates that you've got some files that are currently open/locked/in-use by another application. Closing these files in those applications, will then allow Sync to access the files and complete the transfer.

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