Failed to download - can not create path


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I have 82'd btsync on my archlinux. I sharing folder on my external HDD through USB3.0 and it has NTFS.

Client on Win 7 can't download my files. They have long names. But i found a part, which creates difficulties:

"May 3, 2013 8:51pm.flv"


And i found, that ":" gives me that error. So, when you will fix this? =)

Oh, sorry. Windows can't handle files with ":". But NTFS can. Very strange.

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And i found, that ":" gives me that error. So, when you will fix this? =)

":" is an illegal character in a Windows filename. The error you're seeing is because a ":" character is essentially being interpreted as a drive, and "8:" is not a valid drive!


This is a limitation of the Windows file system, and not a "bug" with Sync.


Please remember that Sync is a cross-platform application - therefore the names of the files/folders you're sharing should take that into account. For example, whilst Linux would happily allow two different files named "ABC.txt" and "abc.txt" to co-exist exist in the same folder, Windows would see these files as identical, and so only one would be permitted.


The morals of the story:

  • Avoid syncing files/folders containing characters that can be considered illegal on some operating systems, such as: \ / : * ? " < > |
  • Don't have files with the same name (but different variations of character case) in the same folder



Windows can't handle files with ":". But NTFS can. Very strange.

The two are not mutually exclusive! Windows is an operating system, NTFS isn't! If you're running Windows on a NTFS partition ":" isn't allowed in a filename, if you're running Linux on an NTFS partition, ":" is allowed in a filename... the point I'm making is that NTFS isn't the issue here!

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