Bandwidth Usage


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I have 4 local systems and a remote system at a vendor location.  I have unlimited bandwidth but the vendor ISP has a cap of 125 GB which he just hit in the first 11 days of his month.  We installed Net Balancer and the bandwidth is being sucked up by BT Sync. We have 18 GB/20,000 files between the locations total and on a daily basis probably download 250 MB of files and then create another 250 MB of new files.


The last day was him turning off BT after his sync was finished for the day (but he only started that part way through the day).


Any ideas why bandwidth would be so high?



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If you have bandwidth caps, you'd be wise to use the bandwidth limiting settings within Sync to "slow down" the rate of transfers for devices with caps.


Also, remember that Sync is decentralized - therefore if you are sharing a large amount of data between 4 devices, each device will receive data from the all the other peers, but also send data to other peers as well.


So if you add a 1GB file to one device, it will start uploading to the other 3 devices. Therefore, the total amount of data being "sent" will be more far more than 1GB.


Finally, it would be worth checking that the system clocks on all your devices are in sync. If we take the above example of a 1GB file transferring to 3 other devices, if one of those devices has a system time that's ahead of the other devices, upon receiving the complete 1GB file, Sync may then think that the file that has just been received is a "newer" version of the file, and so then start transferring it back to all the other devices!!


So really,

  • Check all your device clocks are in sync to avoid identical files being considered as "newer" versions prompting further transfers
  • If you have bandwidth caps, consider limiting the upload/download rates in Sync
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