1.2.29 crashes on my iPad/iOS5


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I had no problem running the iPhone version previously--other than the ugly/scaled UI. Was excited too see you finally released a universal binary.


But alas, after upgrading the app won't start.


It immediately crashe upon startup. But still shows on the task list. I've even hard reset the iPad to no avail.


It's an iPad 2 hapily running iOS5. I have a few different sync folders plus syncing of my camera roll.

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Same here, iPad2, iOS 5.1.1.


XCode Console Log:


Nov 20 22:33:58-iPad BitTorrent Sync[209] <Error>: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[uIPageControl setPageIndicatorTintColor:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xd6719c0'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x3741688f 0x3148b259 0x37419a9b 0x37418915 0x37373650 0x2056d3 0x30583c8b 0x30582461 0x30574e87 0x305e57d5 0xa851b 0x30582cab 0x3057c7dd 0x3054aac3 0x3054a567 0x30549f3b 0x3756622b 0x373ea523 0x373ea4c5 0x373e9313 0x3736c4a5 0x3736c36d 0x3057b86b 0x30578cd5 0xa6eb7 0xa6e78)
Nov 20 22:33:58-iPad ReportCrash[211] <Notice>: Formulating crash report for process BitTorrent Sync[209]
Nov 20 22:33:58-iPad com.apple.launchd[1] (UIKitApplication:com.bittorent.BitTorrent-Sync[0x9473][209]) <Warning>: (UIKitApplication:com.bittorent.BitTorrent-Sync[0x9473]) Job appears to have crashed: Abort trap: 6
Nov 20 22:33:58-iPad SpringBoard[64] <Warning>: Application 'BitTorrent Sync' exited abnormally with signal 6: Abort trap: 6
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