Merge: Failed To Verify Group Signature Of Files Message, Aborting


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as the mail support of bittorrentsync doesn't answer me on my mails, I'm trying it here.

Short description of my setup:
Bittorrent Sync 1.1.82 on all Clients.
Client1: Netgear ReadyNAS with Debian
Client2: Windows 7 PC
Client3: MacBook Pro with OS X 10.7.5

Client1 is the source for all.

I've got 5 Sync Folders:
Wiso Mein Geld

Sync on Client3 (Mac) works for every Folder.

Sync on Client2 (Win) works for all except "Daten". On Client2 it says: synced with 0 of 0 files. On Client1 WebGUI it says it has to Upload 5,3GB in 1436 files.
On Client2 (Win) log:
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: processing root message, remote hash 06284991254A93DE53325571B878078ABD7B2233, timediff: 5
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: requesting nodes for root
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: processing nodes message for /
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: will request files for /Alberttross*
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: will request files for /Excel*
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: will request files for /Gewerbe*
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: will request files for /PDF*
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: will request files for /Powerpoint*
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: will request files for /Spezial*
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: will request files for /Sprüche*
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: will request files for /Text*
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: will request files for /Winword*
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: will request files for /Zertifikate*
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: sending get_files message
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: processing files message with 1000 files
[2013-11-23 16:05:45] Merge: failed to verify group signature of files message, aborting
On Client3 (Mac) log:
[20131123 16:05:01.028] Merge: processing get_nodes message for /
[20131123 16:05:01.084] Merge: processing get_files message with 18 paths
[20131123 16:05:01.084] Merge: will send files for /Alberttross*
[20131123 16:05:01.085] Merge: will send files for /Excel*
[20131123 16:05:01.085] Merge: will send files for /Gewerbe*
[20131123 16:05:01.087] Merge: will send files for /PDF*
[20131123 16:05:01.087] Merge: will send files for /Powerpoint*
[20131123 16:05:01.087] Merge: will send files for /Spezial*
[20131123 16:05:01.088] Merge: will send files for /Sprüche*
[20131123 16:05:01.088] Merge: will send files for /Text*
[20131123 16:05:01.088] Merge: will send files for /Winword*
[20131123 16:05:01.088] Merge: will send files for /Zertifikate*
[20131123 16:05:01.314] State sync finished for folder /Users/markus/Documents/Daten

Please help me: why is the Folder "Daten" not synced on Client2?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,



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  • 3 weeks later...

I had the same error when syncing my photo collection. The sync stopped at ~12GB of a 42GB share.


I tried narrowing down the problem to see whether I can find the culprit. I have split the folder into smaller parts, which could be synced - but one part always had the problem. Eventually I narrowed it down to a single file that was causing the sync failure. That file appeared to have some erroneous creation/modification date information: e.g. it's modification date was somewhen in 2038 (or become 1901 after I copied the file to another location), while creation date seemed to reset after copying the file. After resaving the file so that a correct creation/modification date is set, the file started syncing correctly. Now I can sync the whole directory without a problem.


Note that when I fixed the file, I restarted the synchronisation afresh: removed the directory from BitTorrent Sync at all places, removed all .SyncArchive, etc files and restarted the clients.


Hope this helps in your case - try looking for a bad file.

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