Biggest Server Not Sending...but Syncing Any Ideas?


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After the very useful information which guided me to what I needed yesterday during my installation I am pleased to say that I am now fully up and running. I do however have a slight concern and I'm hoping that somebody may be able to help me with this.
Just to clarify – I have installed the software on one office PC (Windows), one office Mac, one Windows 2012 server and one Debian LINUX server. Most of my files were on the Windows server and both servers have a very powerful Internet connection (one gig).
As you would expect the files synced from the Windows server to the LINUX server very quickly but the two computers here which are on a standard Internet connection are obviously taking their time – there's nearly 100 gig of data to download.
Looking at the transfers in progress window (and remember that both of the servers – Windows and LINUX are completely synced) it seems to be putting files into the queue to download from both servers which would make sense because there is a copy of the files on both servers but it is only actually downloading them from the Windows server. The LINUX server remains at 0.0 kb per second and doesn't do any downloading.
In order to check that the LINUX server was functioning okay I went into the Windows server and dumped a load more files into the shared folder. This immediately synchronised with the LINUX server and this was reflected both in the Windows server software and by logging into the GUI interface for the LINUX server where I could see that it was updating.
So, everything does seem to be in sync but my query is why when the files on both servers is it adding a file to the queue for my LINUX server but not actually taking it from the LINUX server? I did think that perhaps it would only download from one computer at a time so to test this out I logged onto the Windows server and paused the synchronisation. My PCs here then only connected to the LINUX server but stayed at 0.0 kb per second and nothing happened.
Any changes made on any computers – deleting files, uploading, downloading etc are synchronising with the LINUX server but it just seems to be that none of the devices are actually downloading from there and to be honest this one has the better Internet connection and clearly if my files were downloading from both servers this huge queue of data would process an awful lot faster.
Any ideas would be most appreciated – I hope I've made it clear what the problem is LOL
All the best :wacko:

I should add it WAS taking data from both servers but has only recently stopped!  Maybe restarting the software will help.. anyone know the linux command to restart the software? sorry!!!

just to add that one of my computers is now downloading a little from the Linux server but the mac is only downloading from the windows server and from the PC (via LAN).  Is this notmal or shouldnt it take as much from everywhere as it can for speed (if 3 computersd have the file then take from all, or some form one source and some form another to get more done???)

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So, everything does seem to be in sync but my query is why when the files on both servers is it adding a file to the queue for my LINUX server but not actually taking it from the LINUX server? I did think that perhaps it would only download from one computer at a time so to test this out I logged onto the Windows server and paused the synchronisation. My PCs here then only connected to the LINUX server but stayed at 0.0 kb per second and nothing happened.

Any ideas would be most appreciated – I hope I've made it clear what the problem is LOL


Sync's aim is to sync your files as fast as possible - if you're syncing a large file between multiple devices, Sync will attempt to get "chunks" of data from all available sources on your various devices where possible, however, it will prioritize this based on how quickly each device can deliver the data. If one device's network connection is - for whatever reason - slower than other devices, all data "chunks" may be received from other devices before the "slow" device has been able to send its chunk(s)

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Sync's aim is to sync your files as fast as possible - if you're syncing a large file between multiple devices, Sync will attempt to get "chunks" of data from all available sources on your various devices where possible, however, it will prioritize this based on how quickly each device can deliver the data. If one device's network connection is - for whatever reason - slower than other devices, all data "chunks" may be received from other devices before the "slow" device has been able to send its chunk(s)


Thanks!  That makes sense!


Maybe you know the answer to this also!.....

I regualrly update and move large amounts of MP3 files (we are a radio station)..... Today I took about 500 files all synced eprfectly and locally changed their filenames as a batch change and moved them to another folder...(all shared)... I was expecting bittorrent to move them but it actually deleted them from all devices and uploaded them again (taking time).. is this normal?  surely if you move files around it should recognise this and just shuffle them to save time?

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