Can Archiving Be Turned Off?


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Hello, I am wondering if archiving an be turned off?


I have been playing around with btsync on a pair of Raspberry Pis. One of the RPis is capturing data and updating several files ever minute. The SD card is obviously quite small (4GB) compared to most desktops but is more than sufficient for the requirements. When I turn on btsync I have about 44% free space. Within about 6 hours the card is full.


A second somewhat related question. Is there some extra documentation somewhere that describes what the options in the config file do? The user manual mentions items like..


“disk_low_priority”: true 
“rate_limit_local_peers”: false
“folder_rescan_interval”: 600 
“sync_max_time_diff”: 600
“lan_encrypt_data”: true 
“sync_trash_ttl”: 30
“lan_use_tcp”: false 
“send_buf_size”: 5
“max_file_size_diff_for_patching”: 1000 
“recv_buf_size”: 5
“max_file_size_for_versioning”: 1000
.. but doesn't describe the functions.
Thanks, Mark
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Hello, I am wondering if archiving an be turned off?


Yes, by disabling the per-folder "Store deleted files in SyncArchive" setting


In relation to advanced settings:



Concede resources to other applications/reduce hard drive thrashing

Default value: True


Reduce the amount of traffic on the local network (i.e. reduce pings, multicasting, etc)

Default value: False


How often folders should be automatically rescanned (in addition to detection of real-time changes)

Default value: 600 (seconds)


How closely synced the system clocks on your devices should be. If the system clock on a device is out by a value greater than this setting, Sync will not take place

Default value: 600 (seconds)


Encrypt all Sync traffic on local network. Disabling this may give a slight increase in speed when syncing locally. Note: This des not affect syncing over the Internet/WAN

Default value: true


How long files should persist in SyncArchive before being automatically removed

Default value: 30 (days)


Use TCP for local connections (instead of UDP)

Default value: False


Changes to files that are greater than this value will cause the entire file to be transferred, rather than just the part that's changed

Default value: 1000 (MB)


Files that are greater than this size will not be "versioned" - i.e. stored in SyncArchive

Default value: 1000 (MB)


The size of data held in memory before being sent

Default value: 5 (MB)


The size of received data held in memory before being written to disk

Default value: 5 (MB)


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I'm afraid that changing "use_sync_trash" : true, to false didn't work. I have changed it at both ends and verified that the sync.conf file I modified is in fact the one being used by btsync. Any other suggestions?


Whereabouts in your config file have you added "use_sync_trash"? - remember this is a per folder setting, not a global setting

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Ah. That would explain it. I kind of assumed that the shared folders set in the UI would appear in the config file. I am rally not familiar with the .JSON format. What is the syntax when I have more than one folder? Sorry to be a pain, if this is all documented somewhere please point me in that direction.


Thanks, Mark

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