Selective Sync Behaviour


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I'm trying to understand the selective_sync behaviour.


When adding a folder with the flag set (selective_sync=1) all files are set for sync. I guess the contrary should be the norm. Setting all files to not sync. Then select which you want to sync.


The deal is, all folders are synced? Why?


The other question is, if I want the flag to be "download = 0" in the files, should I iterate thru the whole collection setting it?




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  • 1 month later...

I was just going to ask this exact same question; good thing I looked first.


In an effort to implement somewhat of an "on-demand" type of sync, I noticed that the default "download" option for a file inside of a "selective_sync=1" folder was "download = 1". I also agree that in this scenario, download=0 would likely be the expected default option (as I was expecting).


This obviously doesn't help you, but I had to agree with your opinion.

Edited by palcs
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