Restore Original Version Setting On Linux


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i'm using a remote linux machine (no gui) as read-only client but i can't find the setting for "Restore original version of modified files" that i see in the windows gui (searched in complex.conf too).


The server is started via config file and all seems to work perfectly except this thing.


I need this because (even if it is a ro client) this server will be the main source for all other clients and if i delete a single file it will not be restored from the original source.


Best Regards and Compliments.

Edited by Gio
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Lolcat, i assume OP is looking for the "restore modified files to original version" option, which you can find  the web interface under the folder preferences in the advanced tab. OP wants to know how to configure this without a (web) gui. Which is a perfectly reasonable question.


Afaik this configuration setting is not documented.

Edited by jaapp
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Lolcat, i assume OP is looking for the "restore modified files to original version" option, which you can find  the web interface under the folder preferences in the advanced tab. OP wants to know how to configure this without a (web) gui. Which is a perfectly reasonable question.


Afaik this configuration setting is not documented.


"This is a folder with read only permissions. Modifications made in such a folder will not be displayed on other devices."

I don't see how this doesn't conflict with restoring original versions. But I will setup some test nodes to test the behavior.


Now I got a little curious what it does. I see two possibilities: 1) revert any changes I do locally 2) revert any changes anyone else does.

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@lolcat Who told you that?


1. The Main node is in my house and it is NOT read only.

2. The linux server is a RO node and get all the files from my HOME node when is online.

3. Other clients that i run (laptops, phones, etc.) have the LINUX RO node as main source of all the files because my HOME main node is not always online right?


So the linux node is a RO node but he can be used as primary source when my home node is offline for all others secondary clients right?


Now, if you see in the options of a windows client when is connected as RO node you can find a checkbox -> "Restore original version of modified files" (or something similar i'm translating from italian sorry)

this check enabled on a RO node restores every file in the folder even if you modify it or delete it (on the RO node) taking the original version from another node...


The only thing i want is

-> how to setup a linux NON-GUI RO client whit this option....(what i need to write in the config file to have the same functionality of the windows counterpart)


P.S. @ lolcat

Maybe i was not completely clear in my first post, maybe you are a little stressed to always reply to newbies on this forum, but i find unnecessary over-reaction in your reply.




@jaapp thanks for clarification i was writing this response while you was writing your so i've not read :)

Edited by Gio
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Gio, you don't want to have a RO folder in that scenario at all. You need to see RO folders as one way streets: They can be updated, but they never update other machines. If you make the folder on the server RO it will only accept updates from other machines, but never propagate these updates. 


In your case you want:


Client1 (RW) <-> Server (RW) <-> Client2 (RW)




Client1 (RW) -> Server (RO) <- Client2 (RW)

Otherwise Client1 and Client2 will never update each other unless they are both online at the same time.
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Oh, I do appologize. You find that by clicking the gear icon under "Secret/QR" next to the "X" in the "Sharing" column. Then you press advanced. If you can't find these I can attach some screenshots.

I am sorry I am blunt, I am from the north and drink far too much coffee. I still don't understand why the files on a read-only node would be changed, but I am sure it makes perfect sense.

So let me know if you can't find it and Ill make screenshots.


Gio, you don't want to have a RO folder in that scenario at all. You need to see RO folders as one way streets: They can be updated, but they never update other machines. If you make the folder on the server RO it will only accept updates from other machines, but never propagate these updates. 


In your case you want:


Client1 (RW) <-> Server (RW) <-> Client2 (RW)




Client1 (RW) -> Server (RO) <- Client2 (RW)

Otherwise Client1 and Client2 will never update each other unless they are both online at the same time.



I am pretty sure you are wrong here. The read-only can't seed the files? It can't update the database? Either way it sounds like a bug...

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I am pretty sure you are wrong here. The read-only can't seed the files? It can't update the database? Either way it sounds like a bug...


From the manual:


Read only secret is generated on the 
basis of the master secret and is used for 
one-way synchronization. It means that 
any folder with a read-only secret will be 
fully synced, but changes made in it will 
not be reflected in the folders operated by 
a master secret. Also, it is not possible to 
change secret for read only folders.
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I am sorry I am blunt, I am from the north and drink far too much coffee. I still don't understand why the files on a read-only node would be changed, but I am sure it makes perfect sense.



:) took me 10 min to translate a reply that was not too offensive :) i'm glad we have not started a flame :)



Well, I was talking about updates wasn't I..


In this very moment i've shutdown my MAIN node at HOME and another windows client is updating from the RO linux server only.

So i think is doable.

I think that this is pretty normal in a BitTorrent-like network.


I need that option because sometimes on the linux server things can go bad and something (by my fault) is deleted....

I like to play like a mad horse on that server and one day or another i will do a mess.... i know :)


also...without that option...if you delete a file in the RO matter what you do will be always deleted again and again if you try to restore it manually, even if it exists on the main node....something in some database mark that item as deleted and keep delete it when you manually restore it




From the manual:


Read only secret is generated on the 
basis of the master secret and is used for 
one-way synchronization. It means that 
any folder with a read-only secret will be 
fully synced, but changes made in it will 
not be reflected in the folders operated by 
a master secret. Also, it is not possible to 
change secret for read only folders.



All clients will seed each other no matter the source, if it is a good file it will be transferred.

I'm testing right now the same configuration of above and now i've shared the main key with the third client so a full client can sync from an RO client even if the main node is offline.


I assume that the modifications made from anoter FULL node will be transmitted to the MAIN node when it will be online.



"Main","secondary" and "full" are not good words in a torrent environment but i use them for clarity.

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:) took me 10 min to translate a reply that was not too offensive :) i'm glad we have not started a flame :)




In this very moment i've shutdown my MAIN node at HOME and another windows client is updating from the RO linux server only.

So i think is doable.

I think that this is pretty normal in a BitTorrent-like network.


I need that option because sometimes on the linux server things can go bad and something (by my fault) is deleted....

I like to play like a mad horse on that server and one day or another i will do a mess.... i know :)


also...without that option...if you delete a file in the RO matter what you do will be always deleted again and again if you try to restore it manually, even if it exists on the main node....something in some database mark that item as deleted and keep delete it when you manually restore it




All clients will seed each other no matter the source, if it is a good file it will be transferred.

I'm testing right now the same configuration of above and now i've shared the main key with the third client so a full client can sync from an RO client even if the main node is offline.


I assume that the modifications made from anoter FULL node will be transmitted to the MAIN node when it will be online.



"Main","secondary" and "full" are not good words in a torrent environment but i use them for clarity.


How this is done is fairly interessting, if you could manipulate the database to add and remove files that would be pretty baad.

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i have a questions in the same direction. On linux servers, when i set the option "Restore modified files to original version", i can see that in the binary file sync.dat a parameter "overwrite" is set from 0 to 1.


So the question is: Can I set this parameter in the config file?

 "shared_folders" :  [    {//  use --generate-secret in command line to create new secret      "secret" : "MY_SECRET_KEY",                   // * required field      "dir" : "/tmp/bla", // * required field//  use relay server when direct connection fails      "use_relay_server" : true,      "use_tracker" : true,      "use_dht" : false,      "search_lan" : true,//  enable SyncArchive to store files deleted on remote devices      "use_sync_trash" : true,//  specify hosts to attempt connection without additional search      "known_hosts" :      [//        ""      ]    }  ]
I tried "overwrite: true" but just get an error saying that key overwrite is invalid.
So i cant change this bit with sed:
sed -i 's/overwritei0e22/overwritei1e22/g' .sync/sync.dat
But this is ... lets say a little bit dirty ;)
So is their a hidden key or whatever to set this in the config file?
Kind regards
Edited by dwerder
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