Potential Double Download Situation?


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Hi All


I have a scenario to put to you all to see if this would actually mean I would download more then the required amount due to double ups.


So I have a server that I download from, to speed up the download process I have two machines in my home syncing the same folder.


Lets say the server (on the internet) has a 100GB share.

Computer A is connected

Computer B is connected

A and B are connected on the same LAN


Now I certainly download faster this way but my question is whilst I download faster am I going to end up downloading more then 100GB? Obviously the system is smart enough to pick up files from another machine over the LAN but it is smart enough not to double up on downloads?


Sorry if this is obvious or has been answered before.

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Hi Dimtar,


Say, Computer A is downloading the file. It is going to download the file from all available peers and it is going to request missing parts of a file only. So, if everything is going ideally, it is not going to request duplicating pieces of a file from other peers. Only one chunk of file from one peer.


However, that happens in an ideal world. In real world:

a. There is some amount of service traffic around actual getting of pieces.

b. There is a special logic detecting damaged pieces. If peer got a damaged piece, it is going to request it from other peers trying to find out who is sending damaged pieces of the file.

c. If some piece was not downloaded completely (for example, peer is not available anymore), it is going to be downloaded again from another peer.

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