Slow Sync Speeds With Lots Of Small Files

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Hi there,


We're doing some testing with sharing lots of small files.


I made a batch file to create 200,000 1MB text files as below:


@echo offclsSet Sleep=0:startif %Sleep% == 200000 ( goto end )fsutil file createnew c:\bitsyncbreaktest\%Sleep%.txt 1048576Set /A Sleep+=1goto start:endecho "am 200000 now"pause

When syncing to our server, each file only gets up to around 30-50 kilobytes/sec.


I created some random 1GB files and those sync at 12MB/sec.


Why do small files sync so slowly, is this by design?



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Why do small files sync so slowly, is this by design?


BTSync syncs file one by one, not a bulk transfer. However, it should be done faster - looks like some issue. I'd like to find out where is a bottleneck. Could you please conduct couple of tests?


1) Check the CPU / memory usage when you see such a slow speed.

2) Try making the same test with only ~1000 files.



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Yes. Wait a little bit, we are going to release 1.3 soon, and there is a good chance it will resolve your issue.


This release has certainly improved speeds, however it seems that BTSync incorrectly reports speeds within the client, both on Linux and Windows. We are now getting between 2-4MB/s and the client reports 0-400kB/s

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