Two-Hop One-Way Syncing Scenario: Is This Feasible?

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Hi Forums!


I'd like to know if the following scenario is feasible with BTSync:


- One sync folder contains possibly lots of files, totalling to lots of GBytes

- One host (A) puts files into that folder. It never deletes any files.

- A second host (B ) is read-only synced to the folder and has only limited disk space. It should mainly serves as an "intermediary" host.

- A third host © is read-only synced to the folder. It has enough disk space for all files, but might decide to delete some files.


A would be some desktop PC producing the files in the sync folder. In its predefined hosts list it would have B. B woud be a server with limited disk space, but always online and with a static IP. C would be some other desktop PC "consuming" the files in the sync folder, but not producing any of its own. It would also have B in its predefined hosts list.


Now the question: given that only A has the read-write-secret, and B/C have the read-only-secret, would it be possible to delete files on B if it is running out of disk space, such that all files from A still get to C and remain there? (deletion will only take place after files have been successfully synced from A over B to C)


I have read in the FAQ about one-way syncing, but maybe I didn't understand it properly: I understood you can safely delete files from the sync folder on a read-only client, without the deletion being propagated back. But will the deleted files be transferred again, or will the above scenario work?


Thanks a lot for your help!





edited because the B in parentheses did result in a smiley

Edited by elektrokokke
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Thanks for the tip, that sounds like a good option for using a thord-party hosted server.


However, the main question I have is whether I can delete files on aforementioned host B, after they have been synced from A and to C, without the deleted files being synced again to B (which would make deletion of files to save disk space pretty pointless, and would only result in more traffic).


And, if it should be the case that files deleted on B will be transferred again to B, is there a way to prevent this, e.g., by using the ignore file?


Thanks a lot!

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If you are using default folder settings, files deleted or modified on RO peer are not going to be re-synced. BTSync remembers the fact that they were changed and is not going to re-sync them. Also, deleted / modified files are no longer going to be seeded to other peers (while RO peer will seed files to other hosts unless they are changed).


So your setup is going to work. Just note that server B has to be cleaned up manually.

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