Dot-Directories Not Synced


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we have to synchronize some files uploaded to an Apache http server. Unfortunately, directory structure looks like /(synchronized_path)/(something)/.htupload/uploaded_files.


Everything in /(synchronized_path)/(something) is synchronized, but unfortunately everything down under .htupload is not.


It is running on QNAP TS-269Pro (Linux, i386), QTS version 4.0.3.


Is there any way to override this default behavior?


Thank you,



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Hi Jindra,


Actually the .htupload folder from file API POV does not differ from the rest of folders and should be processed accordingly. I suspect that in your case it might have different access permissions. Please check that user running btsync process has actual RW access to this folder.

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Hi Roman, permissions od .htupload are rwxrws--- (2770) and owner is sclare.administrators, btsync runs as admin, i.e. from my point of view btsync is in the administrators group, i.e. should be able to "see" it.


For some reason btsync does not see "through" .htupload; when I add explicitly all the respective ..../.htupload/uploaded_files folders, they are added (that is normally not possible for subfolders under a synchronized folder).




P.S. I forgot to mention btsync is version 1.2.91 i386 

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It does not matter if it is 1.3 or 1.2 in your case - this behavior did not change. Looks like your permissions are okay. As a quick test - could you make a couple other folders with the same structure (sync folder containing .folder, both with some data)?

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