After Sync Of Files Folder Atime Keeps Changing Every Minute


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I have a problem with a ubuntu server, after i have been syncing a file to the server btsync keeps updating the folder time every minute on the target folder. So when i take my incremental backup i get a empty folder in the backup every time.


If i stop btsync the time stops updating on the folder. But when i start btsync again time starts to update again.


Sometime it helps to sync a new file to the folder and the update stops.


Any ideas on how to fix this problem?

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Ok, when i shutdown the klient on my iMac the mtime update stops and when i start it again it starts. But on my iMac i can not se that mtime changes in my local folder and i have not done anything with any files in that folder after the last change.


Another strange thing is that if I renames the folder on the client where mtime changes and then renames it back to original name the update stops. And the same happens if i first stop the client on my iMac,rename the folder, rename the folder back to the original name and then start the client.


So i think there is something strange going on in btsync for mac. I rebooted my mac once to make sure that no process where holding the folders.


Right now I'm syncing between Ubuntu, Rasbian and Mac all running latest version. And mtime updates on rasbian to just that i havent seen that before.

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When I was searching for the cause I managed to f**k up all my syncfolders on the Ubuntu server and had to rebuild them again  :rolleyes: .


But after that the change my problems with mtime stopped, and I found out that my texteditor on the MAC did hold files opend that i where syncing to this folders i hade problem with. So i think it was my iMac that was the problem all the time and BTsync where doing what it was suppost to do.


If it happens again i will take some debug logs. But right now it works like a charm.


Thank you RomanZ for all help and all effort you put in to BTsync.



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