Bittorrent Sync Question On File Getting Deleted


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Hi friends, say for example I have a photo and few videos which I synced using BitTorrent sync in my laptop. Due to some issue or If my laptop get crashed and I am restoring my windows. Now all my files got deleted from my laptop. I am reinstalling BitTorrent sync. Using the secret code can I access my files which got deleted from my laptop? Or only if the files are available in my laptop then BitTorrent sync will work? Files which I meant is my photos and videos.

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If you've synced a folder (or folders) from Device A to Device B using a "full access" secret, and then you have to reinstall your operating system on Device A, you can simply reinstall Sync on Device A, and add the folder back to it using it's original secret. This will then cause the files in the corresponding folder on Device B to sync back to Device A.

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If you've synced a folder (or folders) from Device A to Device B using a "full access" secret, and then you have to reinstall your operating system on Device A, you can simply reinstall Sync on Device A, and add the folder back to it using it's original secret. This will then cause the files in the corresponding folder on Device B to sync back to Device A.

Thank you GreatMarko


So if my Device A has 200GB of stuffs synced and also gave Full access on Device B which has total memory capacity of 32GB only. In this case how can Device B hold 200GB stuffs? Hope I am not confusing

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So if my Device A has 200GB of stuffs synced and also gave Full access on Device B which has total memory capacity of 32GB only. In this case how can Device B hold 200GB stuffs? Hope I am not confusing

Bottom line is - it won't! You need to ensure there's enough free space on all the devices you're syncing with in order to sync all your data!

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Currently BTSync will stop syncing with no warning. However, we plan to improve error reporting to allow users self-identify the issue happening in future.


Thank you for much clarification

So if my understanding is correct, Bittorrent Sync cannot be used as a backup, but to access the files, documents, etc., from anywhere it is synced and should be available in my parent hard disk and also need to have sufficient space from device I am connecting... Am i correct?

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If you've synced a folder (or folders) from Device A to Device B using a "full access" secret, and then you have to reinstall your operating system on Device A, you can simply reinstall Sync on Device A, and add the folder back to it using it's original secret. This will then cause the files in the corresponding folder on Device B to sync back to Device A.


Hi GreatMarko, So if my understanding is correct, Bittorrent Sync cannot be used as a backup, but to access the files, documents, etc., from anywhere it is synced and should be available in my parent hard disk and also need to have sufficient space from device I am connecting... Am i correct?

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Hi GreatMarko, So if my understanding is correct, Bittorrent Sync cannot be used as a backup, but to access the files, documents, etc., from anywhere it is synced and should be available in my parent hard disk and also need to have sufficient space from device I am connecting... Am i correct?


Sync CAN be used to "backup" your files (using a "read-only" secret) - however, Sync doesn't compress/archive/zip/create disk images of your files, so as mentioned previously, you need enough free space on your devices for the amount of data you wish to backup/sync.

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