One Time Secrets Clarification


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Hi all,


Firstly, thanks for the forum. I only recently discovered bittorrent sync and it is great. I would like more information on the one time secrets that I haven't been able to find in the FAQs etc.


Does the one time secret, either full or read,


1) give permanent ongoing access to a sync folder, either two way or one way, but restrict the recipient from giving someone else access, ie they can't pass the key on, or does it


2) give them access to a sync folder, either two way or one way, but only for a 24 hour period?


I haven't found that mentioned anywhere, so hopefully this isn't a repeated question! :)





Edited by Mactagish
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A generated one-time secret can be either for "Full Access" or "Read Only" and will give the recipient ongoing access to a sync folder. "Full Access" being full two-way sync, "Read only" is pretty self-evident. When the recipient inputs the one-time secret into BTsync it will convert to a regular secret (not one time) in the btsync interface. 


Scenario: I have a recipient I would like to give read-only access to a folder, but the only way I can transmit the secret is via email (or text or whatever, just not 'in person'). 


The real read only secret:

ERSV......(long hash here)..............Q54


The one time secret will be:

CV4..........(short hash).......Q6


After recipient inputs into desination machine they see:



After 24 hours that one time secret is no longer valid for use. Very handy if your email was hacked and someone gains access to that secret you sent via email. 

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  • 3 months later...


So it is like a voucher that is valid for 24 hours.


It can be activated multiple times during that 24 hours, after that it expires.

But when you're in, you're in. (even after those 24 hours)




Nice option when you want to share, but you want to make sure that your key is not distributed without your knowledge.

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