Sync And Backup Setup, Advice Needed!


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I have just joined the community, so first of all, hello to everyone here!

I find BTSync to be a great app. I would like to ask for your help and howto for the setup I intent to do.

1 - Home Server: (ITX Intel Atom) running 24/7. Has a 2TB HDD that I use for storing all the stuff I access from my network (tv shows, movies, music, pictures, etc). This is accessed by two laptops, a htpc and my main desktop PC.

There is an additional 2.5" 1GB HDD in the server that is used as a backup destination from the 2TB drive, only for pictures, home videos, and documents (things that are very important). For this purpose, I will use a 3rd party backup utility.

For additional security, I use BuddyBackup to backup the content of the backup drive to two of my friends PC's. This way, I have the important files stored on:

a) 2TB drive

B) 1TB drive used only as a backup drive of the important data from the 2TB drive

c) the content of the 1TB backup drive is back-upped with Buddybackup to two PCs in the family (different cities)

d) I'm also thinking of adding an additional cloud backup layer, Amazon Glacier or a cheap cold storage (I hope I will never need to access these files)

I believe this is a reasonable security setup for the files that are irreplaceable.

Where BTSync comes in: I take a lot of pictures. I copy these to my laptop or to my desktop PC. Then I manually copy these to the home server PC's 2 TB drive. The real problem is with the laptop, since there are frequent occasions when I'm copying pictures to the laptop on the road, with no access to internet. How should I setup BTSync on my laptop that all the pictures are always copied automatically to my home server when the laptop is connected to my home network? Important is, that if I delete the pictures from my laptop's drive, they still remain on the server!

I hope I was clear and looking forward to your help!

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