Syncing Devices With Existing Copy Of Data

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I have two laptops. Laptop B was set up after Laptop A, and files from Laptop A were copied to Laptop B. We decided we wanted these files synced, so I want to try BTSync. 


What happens when you sync folders with existing copies of data? Laptop A also has had new files added since Laptop B was set up, which haven't been copied. 


I tried it this morning and it seems like it's trying to copy everything again between both laptops, even though the data exists. It shows time remaining as years (70+GB data). 

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BTsync needs to index every file you want to sync. So you should watch, what folder(s) you are syncing :)

for example, syncing the whole c:/windows of a pc, is the worst idea you could have. it wouldnt work because a bunch of reasons.

btsync is made for syncing a ceetain folder with for example pictures, documents, music, code or anything else.

so if you are not syncing the whole windows-folder, then what folder are you syncing? maybe we can help you then :)

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BTsync needs to index every file you want to sync. So you should watch, what folder(s) you are syncing :)

for example, syncing the whole c:/windows of a pc, is the worst idea you could have. it wouldnt work because a bunch of reasons.

btsync is made for syncing a ceetain folder with for example pictures, documents, music, code or anything else.

so if you are not syncing the whole windows-folder, then what folder are you syncing? maybe we can help you then :)


It's a user folder, ex C:\Users\Bob


When Laptop B was set up for the same user, we copied C:\Users\Bob on Laptop A to C:\Users\Bob on Laptop B. 

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It's a user folder, ex C:\Users\Bob


When Laptop B was set up for the same user, we copied C:\Users\Bob on Laptop A to C:\Users\Bob on Laptop B. 


Be VERY careful syncing entire Windows Users Profiles in C:\Users\* - there are two important things to bear in mind;


Firstly, Sync can't sync files that are currently open/locked/in use by other applications - this will prevent some files from syncing when you're currently logged into the user profile you're also trying to sync.


Secondly, and more importantly, Sync stores it's databases in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync - the databases within this location are unique to that device, and shouldn't be "copied" across or "synced" to other devices. If you really want to sync your entire user profile or C:\Users\<user> folder tree, be sure to exclude \AppData\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync from syncing (using .sync\IgnoreList)

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ok, your syncing folder is the 2nd bad idea you could have :)

in this folder lies the registry of your computer. the registry is changed many times a secound, so btsync will never finish.

also in this folder are ALL twmporar internetfiles, which are many many thousands and the, also change every secound.

many many more "bad" things for syncing are in this folder.

if you want to sync your documents+picturea, you need to select them seperately in btsync.

This folder is a system-internal folder, it's almost as bad as the windows folder ^^

btw: i hope that not both laptops are using the username "bob"? This could even crash both of your machines and you would have to completwlyreinstall your windows on both machines ...

edit: marco has pointed out the problems with the btsync appdata folder, but excluding this folder isnt going to help you with the problems i mentioned :/ you would need to exclide thousands of thousands of files by hand, so it's a 100% "you can't do that".

sync seperate documentfolders but not systemfolders

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